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brainyz table in kindergarden

Accessible, Engaging & Effective Education

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Brainy’z – The Future of Education is Here Now!

Brainy’z is committed to making education more accessible, engaging & effective for all learners

Brainy'z leads in collaborative learning with our Brain Station platform, rooted in Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) principles.


With over 150 units already enhancing kindergartens, preschools, and elementary schools, we're dedicated to broadening educational possibilities.


Our vision encompasses Personalized Learning through upcoming data analysis and a User-Generated Content (UGC) tool, promising infinite content creation and customized learning paths for each student.


This comprehensive approach is reshaping classrooms, showcasing the Brain Station's profound influence on education.


Our Story

Brainy'z is reshaping education by challenging the traditional, isolated classroom setup. With our innovative Brain Station smart table, we're fostering a collaborative environment where group learning and interactive experiences are at the core. Our mission is to prepare students for a future where teamwork and collective problem-solving are paramount, ensuring that the classroom of tomorrow is a hub of shared discovery and growth.


At Brainy'z, our Brain Station is transforming early education with a multifaceted platform tailored for kindergartens, preschools, elementary schools, and special education settings.

It's a gateway to an era of interactive learning, where data analysis and personalization meet to tailor the educational journey to each student's unique pace and style.

Looking ahead, we're excited about introducing User-Generated Content tools, promising educators and students limitless possibilities in content creation and curriculum development.

With Brain Station, the horizon of learning is ever-expanding.

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“…Digital activity is an important tier in enriching students' knowledge. Brainy’z enriches with diverse topics that are a trigger for learning."


Dorit Oren, Kindergarten Teacher


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